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Xpand Inc: Open Concept Kitchen Remodel

open view of living room, kitchen and dining room, Open Kitchen, kitchen remodel, kitchen remodeling, kitchen renovation

5 Ideal Reasons why Opening your Kitchen to a Dining Room is Essential

How frequently do you eat from your private dining room? Answering this question will considerably influence your choices when choosing to renovate your kitchen. For most Americans, the common dining space is used twice in a single year for dining, and other times used as drop-in storage space. Sound familiar? If so, then it may be time to renovate your kitchen!

Open kitchens can work wonders in transforming your home. They have become more prevalent in current years as they do amazing work in enhancing the flow of the home, as well as adding functionality, creating space, and updating the aesthetic of the home. Here are some reasons why numerous homeowners are opting to open their kitchens into the dining space.

Modern Appearance and Functionality

The open kitchen concept started to gain traction around the 1990s. Designers and homeowners would use to prefer the multi-roomed houses, which involved every room comprised of a single particular function. However, as technology advanced and the times evolved, designers realized the benefits of efficiency when incorporating an open concept layout.

Nowadays, the open kitchen is employed as an approach of modernizing homes and creating a consistent functional room. Remodeling your kitchen to allow a flow throughout the house is cheaper than adding another room. In other words, opening the kitchen walls allows the visible horizon to expand, creating a mindset of increased space with no incurred cost for square footage.

Perfect for Families

Another excellent reason why the majority of homeowners are opting to open the kitchen walls into dining rooms, is the family-friendly element. For instance, eliminating walls and barriers between the dining room and kitchen facilitates stronger communicative options between family members. Sounds better than having to yell between walls doesn’t it?

Excellent for Hosting many Guests

For the same reason, expanding the kitchen into the dining area is an excellent in regards to homeowners that often find themselves hosting guests more often than not. From formal dinners, informal meetings, and parties with friends, an open concept kitchen will lend itself to conversation and guest interaction. With no doorways and walls to obstruct the sight of your guests, the open concept promotes comfortable movement for guests within the space while also creating a relaxed environment, translating to a more successful gathering! Other open kitchen renovations that are perfect additions for hosting include the ever-popular bar-style countertops that are excellent for buffet-style dining and appetizers.

Eliminating the Formal Dining Room

For individuals who do not like the design of a formal dining area because the style is too aged and pre modernism, then the open concept design of dining room and kitchen combo could be what you are looking for. Break away from the boxed rooms of the past and embrace the free flowing future of open kitchens. Formal dining rooms are transformed into modern dining experiences, encapsulating the evolution of a culture, and bringing with it the ease of access.

For Aesthetic Purposes

Aesthetics is an important factor that will affect how your home is perceived and experienced. When considering an open kitchen concept, you will need to think about how you want your home to translate to your guests, as well as yourself. Opening the kitchen to the dining room or living room will also allow you to consider other materials for the cabinets and trimming that will better reflect the changed aesthetic. Glass cabinets, or windowed cabinets, will help enforce the new openness of the kitchen, while also bringing on a new level of modern design and style. Incorporating glass components into the open kitchen will also help to increase the value of the home overall, on top of the extra value derived from the new aesthetic.

Open concept kitchens and homes are a popular and well-loved style that still seems to be gaining traction since its debut in the 90’s. Why not consider remodeling your kitchen so that it opens up to an adjacent room? Give us a call today at Xpand, Inc. and we can help you plan out your homes upgrade!


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