Where To Start Your Remodeling

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Now that winter in Minnesota has arrived, spending more time inside is inevitable. It may be time to spruce up an area of your home. Doing so doesn’t need to be a horrible thing. Remodeling can be as simple as putting in new floors or carpet, updating lights, and giving the walls a fresh coat of paint. For remodeling, think of the use of a room, what it is being used for, and are you wanting the function of the room to be.

Here are some simple things to remember when starting a room remodel:


Thinking of why you will remodel a room in your home is the first step in planning a home remodel. Whether your basement needs a new-look for a place to hang out, or for little children to get out all the extra energy during the colder months, making sure they design it to meet your needs.


When designing a home remodel, more than the functionality of the room, thinking of colors, and materials being used. If little kids will run around and play, having little colored floors and walls may not be smart, but also if in a basement with minimal lighting, using darker colors will make the room seem smaller.


Here at Xpand, Inc., being a small business, you will get the highest quality of work, and with an open, honest business model. We will get you a free estimate of the project, and work with you every step of the way to give you exactly what you need in a remodel. 

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Spring has arrived in Minnesota—what a perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate your home! Did you know that in addition to amazing additions, decks, porches, kitchens and sport courts, Xpand can help you design and build the bathroom of your dreams?

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