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Types of Decks, Not to Mention Maintenance Free!

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In this entry, we will be going over some of the different forms of decks! This will help you and anyone else, decide on a deck that fits your home and desired aesthetic!

First off, lets start off with the basics! What is a deck? Decks are generally made of wood or a composite wood material, and sometimes vinyl. You can use a variety of species of wood like redwood, cedar, or pressure-treated pine. Decks can be free standing or attached to the home, allowing another level of aesthetic opportunity.

With that out of the way lets get to it!

On a quick note, be mindful of where you place your deck, to ensure it does not become a nuisance in any manner down the road. Ensure the location is seldom used otherwise, and has a beautiful view!

Alright, here we go!

  • Attached deck- An attached deck resembles a patio, but the main difference is the material used to make it (wood) and is slightly raised off the ground. These decks are generally places at the back of an L-shaped home, or U-shaped home (get it, because U shaped how you want your home!


  • Island Deck- A detached decking that can be positioned and place anywhere on the property. However it should still have an easily accessed pathway leading to it. Unlike concrete patio’s, this detached deck is able to adapt to almost any surface of terrain.


  • The famous wraparound deck- Similar to the old-fashioned wraparound porch, aside from the fact that some parts can vary in size/shape. The decks are also elevated generally, and can be expanded in points so that it represents a porch-like setting.


  • A multi-level deck- These decks are generally favored for larger properties or one that changed in elevation. Multilevels are decks on different level, connected by steps or a path. Generally the surrounding terrain dictates if this form of deck is suitable or necessary, but its always an impressive sight to behold!


Decks can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes to match your homes desires/needs! Don’t be afraid to get creative and really make something special for your home!

Give us a call today and ask us about our suggestions for your home in terms of deck styles! While your at it, be sure to inquire about our other services!

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