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Renovation & Purpose

Stairway to upper level, home renovation, home, home remodel, home remodel expert

Often times when we are looking for things to change in our home we focus on the question “what” and “where” but not the question “why?”.

Renovations can be for more than aesthetic pleasure and a breath of fresh air in the form of changing your homes environment. Renovations can also solve those every day problems that can be tailored for your specific needs from your home. Everyone is different and has their own needs from the space they live in, and renovations can be the answer.

An example of renovation with a purpose driven force could be a redesign of a kitchen space to lower the counter space to table height, allowing for an easier time for your family or friends who may be primarily using wheelchairs as their movement vehicle. It is instances of this manner which could really help set your sights on the proper and necessary or desired renovation ideas to help with the flow and function of your home.

To help get the thought train moving, we have a few ideas that could be considered when it comes to altering the home for efficiency and convenience. After all, the home is for us to feel secure and a place where we should be able to thrive as well! Conductive to our day to day needs!

  • First off, the most important thing when it comes to any form of building is the materials. It should be a well known understanding by now that cheap materials will result in an equally cheap life span and effectiveness. You get what you pay for. Sad, but true. With everything you build, make sure the materials involved are up to the necessary standards and if you cannot afford to do it in that moment, wait until your ready rather than regret it down the line.


  • Small Bathrooms– Let’s say you have a bathroom that has been the same since you bought your home, however it is this cramped space that is so uncomfortable you avoid it at all costs? These are the precise parts of the home that need to be addressed! The locations you push out of your mind because you have already deemed them to not be able to serve your needs. For this bathroom in particular, look at the rooms around this bathroom and see the potential space you could add on by shifting some walls around and opening this space up into something you can be proud of when guests are over.


  • Lighting– It has been tested in multiple ways in the psychology field that lights have a direct impact on our physiological and psychological health. Taking into consideration the lighting of your home can change the colors, feeling and ambiance in a room as well as affect your mood and desire to be there. Test your wall colors with different kinds of lights and find results that get you the furthest away from anxiousness and closer to Zen. The three main forms of lighting to consider are general lighting, task lighting, and drama or accent lighting.


  • Small Doorways– The in’s and out’s of rooms are important when it comes to safety and for more simple things like moving furniture in and out. If you have family needs that require quick action from time to time, be it related to health matters or something of the like, it is important that there are no obstacles in your way. Door ways are there to serve as separations of rooms and privacy, however if they are just in the way when you need to move from point A to B with medical equipment or something bulky, it would be a good idea at looking to expand these openings. Not to mention it is easier to move queen sized beds and couches through larger door ways!


  • Going Green- Alright, this one is purely for the purpose of staying ahead of the market and being conscious about the environment. People often forgo the idea of building green because they either don’t know how or think it will cost them more. When in actuality, learning how to go green in this process will result in a home with higher value due to the increasing demands of homes that are environmentally conscious, and can result in a stronger price demand down the road when your ready to change houses. Not only does this increase your value, but also will provide new knowledge on the world you live in and new aesthetic opportunities for your home! That’s a win-win!


Considering the impact of your renovation on the occupants in the home can lead to stronger conductive home lives and an increase in overall satisfaction of life. Aesthetics are achievable no matter the route you choose to take, especially with Xpand, Inc. at your back! So go break down the pro’s and con’s of your rooms in the home and see if there are any outstanding areas that prevent you from achieving your full potential each day, and then draw up some ideas that we can work with you on to make your home serve you in a manner that is catered to you and your family!

Give us a call or send us an email and we can iron out the fine details that will result in a home you can be proud of!

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Xpand Inc. Is Celebrating 20 Years in Business!