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How to Maintain That Pristine Concrete Driveway!

Front of house, Concrete, concrete driveway, driveway, repave driveway, repave

A clean, crack-free driveway is the best, it adds a strong aesthetic component when you pull up to the house that just makes you excited!

Concrete driveways, or any type of paving material for that matter, is not perfect. All paving material is susceptible to some form of damage, however, concrete is one of the easiest of the options to maintain!

So lets get into those handy dandy lists on how to preserve the life and beauty of your concrete driveway!

  • Sealant- Making sure your driveway is cleaned and the sealant is strong is a must. Weather is the determining factor for how often you need to clean and reseal your driveway, as well as the amount of vehicular traffic it endures. In the general sense, every two years or so would be a wise time to re-seal your driveway, or whenever the finish begins to show signs of wear and tear.


  • Stains- Oil, gasoline, grease, and all forms of spill and stain should be cleaned up as quick as they come. If any stains have started to set in, there will be a discoloration, which can often times be taken care of with a strong pressure washer and cleaning chemical. It is best however to not have to power wash your drive way for it can reduce the lifespan if done too often, so its best to clean up right away!


  • De-icing chemicals- Chemicals that de-ice the driveway may seem convenient however can cause some serious surface damage in the winter. The most notable forms of damage are scaling and spalling, due to the constant expansion and  contraction. Products that include ammonium nitrates and ammonium sulfates specifically have a severe effect on the driveway, by attacking the concrete chemically. The best and safest method would to be plain old sand as a form of traction on your driveway during the winters.


  • Care treatment- This last point is pretty simple. Be kind to your driveway. Typical residential driveways cant handle the pressure of huge moving vans or construction equipment, its also a good idea to avoid metals blades when shoveling or plowing, for this can scratch the surface.


Easy! Concrete will last as long as you help it! So go and ensure the safety and beauty of the concrete carpet to your home! (it’s like a red carpet, but not)

After your driveway care, why not give us a call and ask us how we can help you achieve your dream home! You already have a beautiful driveway, its time to focus on everything else! 

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