Hardwood Flooring Hard to Clean? Not Today!

living room with carpet leading into dining room with hardwood floors, Hard wood floor, hardwood, hardwood floor, hardwood flooring, hard wood flooring, hardwood floor maintenance, hardwood maintenance

Hardwood flooring is a popular option for kitchens and common walkways, its elegant and homey, however needs to be maintained just like everything else! So when a whole soccer team rolls through the kitchen with their cleats and leaves trails of dirt and grim everywhere, how do we keep the floor looking like new?  Well with this cleaning routine naturally!

Daily maintenance– Dust/sweep (basic and effective)

Microfiber mops and clothes to dust the floor of dirt and other household particles will keep the scratches and damage to a minimum. The static electricity will draw the floor particles in, rather than pushing it across the surface increasing the chance of scratches. Avoid lifting the microfiber mop off the floor when cleaning to keep the trapped dirt in place!

Weekly maintenance–  Mop and Vacuum

Daily dusting is effective but not full-proof. Dusting cant reach all the nooks and crannies where dirt builds up. Vacuums and wet mops are able to reach those more difficult locations! Caution is advised however when it comes to a vacuum, if the vacuum has a beater bar, its important to not allow that to hit the bar floor, along with the wheels of the vacuum, they in themselves  can cause damage to floors. Just be aware of the use of the wheels on the floor and what they roll over to minimize any damage that may occur! When using a mop make sure not to soak the floor, water and wood don’t mix well. Lightly mist the area and the mop will do its job! In the case of hardwood flooring, gentle is stronger and rough.

Monthly maintenance– Polish

Monthly polishing is a great way to clean hardwood flooring. Polishing refreshes the finish that is coated on the top of the wood and protects the floor. Polishing fills the microscopic scratches of the floor and evens out the surface. Polishing is a easy task and well worth the time!

Yearly maintenance– Deep cleaning

Hardwood floors take a lot of damage over time, calling for a good deep clean or a sand and refinish every 3-5 years.  Sanding and refinishing your hardwood floor removes the entire old protective surface and replaces it. Deep gouges or scratches will be taken care of once complete, giving you that beautiful new floor again! The time spent will be more than worth it!

All right team! Go and take your new found hardwood floor knowledge and make those floors gleam again! Oh! And don’t forget to give us a call if you want hardwood flooring in the first place!

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