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Garage Workshop Renovation Ideas!

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During the winter seasons, it is easier to get into hobbies that are at, or near the home. For some, this may be difficult based on the hobby or profession, due to the need for specific machines/tools. For example, if your a hobby ceramics artist, or even a full time ceramics artist, and looking to move your workshop out of a rented space and into the home, we have a solution for you! The garage!

The garage has so many possibilities to become a workshop, be it a mechanic shop or something else, there is always a way to alter your garage for what you need! Since the garage is generally an open space already, it’s easier to convert from one function to another.

What to consider for garage renovations

Renovation Format

Renovate your garage to add a second floor dedicated to your workshop! You can add onto your garage and incorporate some form of loft style that can allow for interaction with the garage floor while dwelling on the loft working away perfecting your craft! This format would also prevent the issue of car placement, by not displacing your vehicles to fit the necessary equipment of your trade. Another option is to have a new car garage built on the property to the perfect dimensions to fit the family vehicles so that you may convert the ground floor of the home attached garage, into your new workshop.


When converting your garage into a workshop you must take into consideration the needs of your new work space. Consider a layout that that will minimize health hazards and ensure safety as a priority. An example  for a ceramics workshop would be to ensure you have a ventilation system applied to the garage so that you may dispose of the hazardous materials floating in the air. It is also important to make sure there is a clear fire escape route that has minimal chance to be hindered in case of a fire. Safety precautions and protocol should be considered before any renovations or additions are acted upon.


Moving your workshop to your home garage area will be a huge convenience especially during the seasons that might prevent you from leaving your home. Having the workshop at home will allow a more precise execution of time management, helping your days become more efficient in all manners. Altering your garage into a workshop also allows for change! The issues you had at your out of home workshop can be addressed in the process of developing your in-home workshop! A workshop at home will also mean there is no longer the possibility for community sharing issues, unless you choose to hold workshops in your new space. This alone is a great bonus because it means you will know where everything is at all times and things won’t fall apart mysteriously when your gone.

The pros of an in-home workshop easily outweigh the pros of a community or rented work space. Converting your home garage into a workshop will no doubt increase productivity and efficiency for most all forms of trades/hobbies.

Be sure to give us a call today and let’s talk about those garage renovation ideas and additions, to ensure a high quality job that will be more than sufficient for your workshop needs! 

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